
Deborah Lippmann Naked

by - 25 May

No new posts in over a week, and now I'm going to show you a nude? For shame! Bear with me while I fawn over my new favorite (dare I say HG) nude:

2 coats

My picture may be slightly warm, but it's pretty close to what Naked looks like in person (on my monitor anyway). I'm not sure why I love it so much, but I wore it for 5 days without adding glitter or anything. Weird, huh? I would also like to note that it wore amazingly well through general wear and tear. No chips, just some tip wear.

Naked is $16 and available at deborahlippmann.com

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  1. It's gorgeous <3.

  2. It looks nice on you, but I look like a got what in norwegian is called "dead body hands" with colous like that on the nals. 

  3. Wow! This looks amazing on your hands! I think I need to get this one!!! amazing!

  4. it's beautiful and classy on you ! love it

  5. I love this nude!!! It looks perfect on your complexion!

  6. Interested in nudist dating, make nudist friends / hang out naked? check out  truenudist.net

  7. Interested in nudist dating, make nudist friends / hang out naked? check out  truenudist.net

  8. Thanks! I'm really diggin' this. I'm already plotting my next wear, lol.

  9. Totally! Way to go, Ms. Lippmann!

  10. So beautiful :) I'm really glad I bought this one. I almost passed on it!

  11. Lol, I know what you mean, H! You'd probably do better with something lighter. :)

  12. Definitely. :) She released the perfect pair for Spring.

  13. britscosmetics  from makeuptalk stopping by to say hello. every time I wear colors like this I need about 3 or more coats to make it stand out because it blends in too much with my skin coloring. have u tried the zoya touch collection?

  14. Try using a base coat like Barielle Camouflage. It will help with the opacity of your polish.

    I have tried the Touch collection, but I'm not a huge fan of it. 
