
Deborah Lippmann Rehab

by - 17 May

This polish taught me a very important lesson: don't loan polish that are not easily replaced! Several months ago, I loaned Rehab to friend, who subsequently loaned it to a friend of hers (how RUDE!) who "lost" it. Of course, I was extremely  upset  because I hadn't even worn it yet! I couldn't even ask my friend to replace it since Rehab was vhtf for me in the first place. Anyway, I was just recently able to get another bottle thanks to some incredible luck on eBay.

3 coats
Reunited and it feels so good, reunited 'cause we understood... Not gonna lie, I was totally singing that song while I painted my nails. The flash made this look a bit sheerer than it looks in real life, but if you have an aversion to VNL, underwear is  must.  I experienced some shrinkage with SV, but I don't care. I wore this for a solid week before I took it off. The wear was awesome - no chips whatsoever.

Needless to say, I'm never letting this one out of my sight again!

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  1. Glad you got another bottle!  Muggles just don't understand the value of some polishes, do they?

  2. mmm love this colour, looks so nice on you! 

  3. Yayy!! Reunited at last! :D I can see why you were sad without it, because it looks amazing on you!  

  4. LMAO @ the singing!!

    But that's all kinds of effed up what your friend did. Smh!

  5. Wow, cannot believe you let this guy leave your sight...and that you found another bottle on eBay!  You must have some serious eBay skills!

  6. OMG i would die if that ever happened to my rehab! or any of my vhtf polishes! aaagggghhh i'm getting cold sweats just thinking about it!

  7. People who day that annoy me to no end! I mean c'om, what right do you have to loan out someone else's things?

    That color is gorgeous BTW!

  8. I hope you sent your friend the bill. Seriously, how rude. Gorgeous colour, needless to say :P

  9. That's the absolute truth! Sometimes I just want to slap some sense into them, lol. 

  10. Lol, smh as well! Lesson learned, that's for sure. 

  11. I know, I'm crazy! It was actually dumb luck. I searched for it with a typo, and the seller had listed it with the same typo. Talk about fate! 

  12. Deep breaths, Kellie! Your pretties are safe in your helmers (or melmers?) :D 

  13. She actually did give me what I spent on my first bottle, and I spent way less (under 10!) for this one, so we're definitely even now. :)

  14. how rude ! Luckily you got yourself another one ;) and you were right to, because it looks great on you. 

  15. Wow, it looks absolutely stunning, I can understand how upset you were by losing it because of this "friend"!

  16.  I've never seen a colour like this before!! amazing

  17.  Aw I'm so sorry! That's why I rarely lend things out anymore. They always mysteriously go missing. =\ Glad you were able to get a new one though. It looks great on you!

  18.  This is an amazing color!!! Never, never, never loan it again :)

  19.  I know you aren't a new blogger...but I still wanted to give the Stylish Blogger Award to you. Loving your blog!!! Here's the link: http://refinedandpolished.blogspot.com/2011/05/stylish-blogger-award.html

  20. This is color is gorgeous! I'm glad you were able to score another bottle. This is why I never loan out my things to friends, you just don't know if you'll be getting them back.

  21. Oh, OK then. That's alright :P
