Stash Chronicles: American Apparel, China Glaze, and Essie

by - 19 June

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. You know how life goes.

I've started taking pictures of my stash, which has proved to be quite the task. Eventually I'd like to have close up shots of my entire stash, large group shots will have to do for now. Here's what I've accomplished so far.

Note: I do apologize for photo quality (or lack thereof); I only had enough time to take one picture of each group.

American Apparel. That's Light Year crowd surfing

China Glaze

China Glaze

Yep, more China Glaze

China Glaze, most from the Summer Neons collection

ETF silver capped China Glaze

HTF silver capped China Glaze




That's all for now! I can't believe how much my stash has grown since the last time I posted.

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  1. omg, I love this, so many pretties

  2. Missy/Gnarly GnailsJune 20, 2012 at 8:01 AM

    oh man i would kill you for your american apparel polishes. just sayin.

  3. Serious polish porn!!!

  4. My heart was literally beating in my chest looking at all these LMAO!! I don't think I've seen shots of people's stashes quite like this, what a great way to showcase them to us - and way to give us BIGTIME envy, oh my gosh! Although, my miniscule-in-comparison stash of like 100 shades already gives me anxiety haha, so this would darn near kill me. Love the variety though ;)

  5. Just wanted to thank you for suggesting the foil technique for removing glitter nail polish. I tried it on my latest post and it worked really well. I also gave you a shout out.

  6. No problem! I'll check out your post soon. :)

  7. Haha! I wish I could go back to the days when my stash was small and well-loved. Hopefully one day I can. :)

  8. Lol oh jeez! It's nothing compared your polish stash though, I just know it by the size of your epic hauls. :P

  9. They make such amazing cremes. Love 'em!

  10. A Lacquered AffairJune 21, 2012 at 9:14 AM

    You have an enviable stash of American Apparels! Couldn't sneak a few to where I live (Singapore).
    Thanks for stopping by the blog, and for the kind words :)

  11. What is the name of the nude looking china glaze polish on the left outside of the first silver topped china glaze pictures? I am on this hunt for an amazing nude and that looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  12. That is Modern Elegance, and it's fully opaque in two coats. It's really pretty!
