
YSL La Laque Couture Tie & Dye Top Coat Swatch & Review

by - 25 March

I'm pretty sure I placed an ordered within two minutes of reading the press release for these new YSL Tie & Dye top coats. I mean, look at this promo image.

No, these aren't like those "do not shake" layer polishes. In fact, the box says to shake well before use.

So what is this tie dye effect they speak of? Not much. I'm assuming it just refers to the way the color and shimmer separates in the bottle after sitting for a while. But even the settling doesn't look as cool as in the promo pics. (I'm getting to the swatch, I promise.)

By the way, Cool Coat is a cool pink, not a coral like the promo images might lead you to believe.

Ultimately, these Tie & Dye polishes are just really pretty shimmer in slightly tinted bases. Clearly, there is no suspension base involved.

3 coats, no top coat

YSL Corail Divin is a delicious coral with a lovely formula. We all know how I feel about corals, so we'll move on.

1 coat Cool Coat over 3 coats Corail Divin

YSL Cool Coat is an iridescent cool pink shimmer top coat. That's it. I do like the shimmer though. It's sugary but totally smooth.

I fully intended to swatch the rest of these, but I'm afraid the rest are going back. I think I would have been on board if these were just promoted as pretty shimmers suspended in different color bases. My expectations were too high.

YSL Cool Coat and the rest of the Tie & Dye shades retail for $25 and are available at most department stores.

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  1. It's pretty but it's nothing like I expected. Would not spend money on that.

  2. Rhonda (nailsbeautiqued)March 25, 2013 at 4:46 PM

    Pretty! A gimmick to me.

  3. Looked cool at first but is def underwhelming!

  4. Yea, what a disappointment!! The promo pics are terribly deceiving. But Corail Divin....Oh My. I need that shade!

  5. Awww, the letdown! That coral looks great on you!

  6. Yeah, I don't think it's a must have at all.

  7. Pretty much! I'm just glad it didn't turn out to be a frosty mess.

  8. For sure! I'd be way happier with this if I hadn't seen those promo pics.

  9. Uh, heck yes you do! It would look AMAZING on you!

  10. A letdown indeed. Thanks, I love it!

  11. I want ittttttt !!!

    Very nice those new Tie & Dye La Laque Couture on your nails…
    I’d like to buy it but because of my allergies, i don’t know if i can?

    Could you send me a picture of the ingredient list please…it would be very nice of you !!


  12. Sorry i don't let you my email..
    yannguilbaud@hotmail.fr thanks !!!

  13. Sure! I'll do that for you sometime today.

  14. such a disappointment.. sometimes brands make lovely products but hype them up to be something else and in doing so disappoints. Like you said, they are lovely shimmery top coats.. such a bummer, but thanks a lot for this honest review as it's saving me a lot of money!! :) xx
