
Comparison: Hard Candy Emerald's Eve vs. Deborah Lippmann Shake Your Money Maker

by - 08 September

Hard Candy Emerald's Eve,  Deborah Lippmann Shake Your Money Maker

Emerald's Eve, Shake Your Money Maker Emerald's Eve, Shake Your Money Maker

The only noticeable difference between the two is that the teal glitter in the HC is more vibrant than the DL. The DL also has a blue-ish base, while the HC has a clear base. Over black, the difference is still slightly noticeable.

These two are not dupes, but they will probably be close enough for most people, especially considering the price difference. I actually like Emerald's Eve more. The formulas are comparable - both thick and packed with glitter.

Hardy Candy Emerald's Eve (7.8 ml) retails for $4 and is available on Walmart.com. It's probably in-store too, but save yourself the headache and just order it online.

Deborah Lippmann Shake Your Money Maker (15 ml) retails for $19 and is available at Sephora and Ulta.

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  1. wow practically identical... and yet I'm so shallow that I choose DL :)

  2. Feeling dumb, should have known there would be a Lippmann dupe eventually- now I want it :)

  3. Wow these are close! I normally don't go for dupes - being a snob I like the real thing - but with a glitter polish I may make an exception, as I wear them so rarely and the $$ isn't really a good buy on my part.
